

PEP Talks

Pregnant women with learning materials

Next course begins May 1st!

Our Prenatal Education Program offers moms the opportunity to learn about the stages of growth and development of their baby during pregnancy, as well as some early infant care. As we know, that little life began at the moment of conception, and we want you to know the value that baby’s LIFE has and the importance of receiving medical care and support to keep you and your baby at your healthiest. Our program offers FREE classes where moms can gather and find support and fellowship while learning about and preparing for their baby’s arrival.


older woman embracing young mom, two women in vehicle together

Available NOW!

We understand that for many in our community, getting to prenatal and newborn appointments can be a challenging hurdle. Transportation can often be unattainable, and our public transit may be unreliable. We do not want this to deter you from making life-affirming decisions for your child. We provide volunteer drivers with our company vehicle and organize a calendar where moms can request assistance for their appointment. Our passionate volunteers have opportunities to build supportive relationships, while women and babies are able to receive the medical care and education they need, all at zero cost to moms!

Senior’s JOY

Grandparent and Grandchild looking at a device

Contact us to get involved!

Statistics are showing an increase in the vulnerability to medically assisted suicide, often stating isolation and loneliness as a top reason. We want you to know your LIFE has value and you are loved! Seniors’ JOY is a free program in which we will be Joining Our Youth with seniors in long-term care and/or retirement communities. In addition to combating loneliness through building intergenerational companionship, we provide tablets for the seniors’ use. Our youth will teach their “buddy” some simple basics on how to use modern technology and social media to stay in contact with friends and family. We also welcome seniors to bring their own device if they would like.

Life Talks

Mothers conversating

Booking dates now!

Life Talks is a new initiative aimed at women’s groups, churches, and other groups that are interested in learning more about life issues and how our programs aim to advance positive life values that help women and our community as a whole. If you’d like to hear more about this, contact our office to book Life Talks for your group.